I came late to the table to participate in the banquet laid out before us. Unsure of my invitation, unwilling to participate in something I didn’t quite fully understand, I stood outside the banquet hall looking in, listening, and waiting to discover if this was my place of belonging.
And then She smiled at me. She smiled at me in the flight of the dragonfly and the rising of the moon and I fell deeply, madly in love with the Divine Feminine.
Since that moment, I have read and I have journaled, I have taken courses and I have been in meditative thought. Most of all I have allowed myself to sink deep into my body and to plumb the depths of my own heart.
Our world has been in a sad place for far too long. A place where the Divine Feminine was taught to be silent, to hide and be ashamed. A place where Patriarchy took command of the Divine Masculine and emasculated Him.
We have woken up and we are reclaiming what was known of old. That for our world to heal we need more. More than what we have been taught for hundreds of years, more than we have been allowed to be. We have only to look at the universe, at the natural world, at this very planet to know that all exists in balance and beauty and so must we.
The way of either /or, of black and white, of measuring our value by our possessions, of turning sensuality into depravity, of valuing the mind over the heart has brought us nothing but destruction and fear. Enough. That way needs to be abandoned and we must, we are, spiraling back inward where beauty and grace reside. Where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine lie down together and love one another on the soft green grass.
This is what my heart longs for, this is what I know. And the knowing comes from being with Her; from spending time, alone, in Her presence and for allowing to unfold, within me, the memory of our connection, of my connection to the Divine Feminine in all her glory.
If you would know her
you must lower your shields
you must allow your heart
to breath in the perfume
of the sweet pea in late afternoon
If you would know her
you only need to watch
the tide move out
towards the vast expanse
that knows no borders
If you struggle to understand her,
be present
to the music of the whippoorwill
feel the sound of her voice
as she rides in on thunder
and asks that you tremble
at her power
I am gentle and kind
She says
as She holds out her hand
to the newborn deer
and lays a kiss upon its head
I am the wind that blows
the rose that blooms
the sap running through the tree
as it rises up and confounds
all your silly laws of gravity
I am that moment
of orgasm
when you lose all thought
all knowing
that moment when time
stands still and you
are able to touch the
hand of God
Your planet, your home
knows me well
and feels me move
in earthquake and trembling leaf
in silent dawn
and thunderous seas
I am all of creation
I am birthing
and dying and I am
every breath you take
there is nothing that does not
contain me
even you
I invite you to come
yes, to come
to allow your body
that sweet release
that rising out of your body
and into the stars
feel me there
know me there
When you sit and watch
the sunrise
when you stretch out your arms
and dance under the moonlight
when you curl up under the stars
I am there
in all that is
I am your heart beating
with fear
your breath catching
in awe
your body reverberating
with anger
at the destruction you
have wrought
Where have you been
you ask
where are you
cries your heart
Where have YOU been
is her shout
Where have you been?
Come now
let us join together
let us fill the space
of emptiness
that has grown between us
with love
with laughter
with labour
to repair all that
was broken
all that has been
let us rebuild
nay, let us recreate
a world where we
walk together
male and female
in harmony
in Divinity
in grace.
This is how I see the Divine Feminine in all her glory and power. It is time for us to set aside our polarized thinking, our separating ourselves from one another, from the wolf and the raven. We are a part of this amazing planet, this vast universe of light and magic. We belong together and we must work together to birth, again, the old ways. The old ways of walking on the earth with respect and harmony. The old ways of holding sacred our bodies, our sexuality, our very breath. We are so much more than we have allowed ourselves to be these past few centuries.
The planet is Her voice and we are hearing her screams of agony in tsunamis, in wild fires, in earth tremors and in a vast climate change that is impacting our lives. Our very structured narrow lives. She calls us to expand our vision, widen our horizons and see, and know, that we matter more than we have allowed ourselves to imagine. We matter. What we do, what we say, who we are makes a difference. We need to reclaim our true nature as fellow caretakers of the land and to walk upon it with the awareness that we impact all of creation.
We have been out of balance for too long. The Divine Feminine is reaching out a hand of salvation and longs for us to sink in to our greatness and love one another once again.
I will see you on the wind
And hear your voice on the morning dew
I will know your presence as I cleanse my body
And walk with you upon the water
I will make love to you upon the fresh green moss
And sense you in the beating of my heart
I will be present to the unfolding of the rose
And be the crow that calls your name
The veil between us has parted
And we are present and known as never before.
All that has come before is done.
And now magic awaits.