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A luminous renaissance awaits in the dawning Aquarian Age, designed exclusively for the Feminine Leader poised at the precipice of groundbreaking evolution. Join us for an unparalleled journey into the heart of feminine power and creativity.

This isn't just a standard women's retreat; it's a pivotal initiation into the next five years and beyond—where no map exists, only the boundless realms of potential that stretch before the courageous spirit.

Discover and Embrace:

  • A Deeper Channel for Your Creativity: In the crucible of collective wisdom and sacred sisterhood, find the inspiration to sculpt your unique life-design.

  • An Experiential Ascension: This is not a training—it’s a transformative experience designed for those who can anchor the intensity of their own evolution.

  • A Gateway to the Feminine Future: Join us to pioneer forward in the spaciousness you need to be fully illuminated.


Weekend Preview

The Future Is Feminine: Design It

Immersive - Revolutionary - Luxurious

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The Golden Gala is for You if:

  • You are a visionary woman who sees beyond the ordinary and is drawn to the promise of a future shaped by feminine wisdom and leadership.

  • You resonate with the call of the Aquarian Age, seeking to be part of a transformative movement that redefines what it means to be a leader in today's world.

  • You are ready to step into your regality, recognizing that your influence and legacy are crucial contributions to the collective evolution of society.

  • You seek deep connections with like-minded women, understanding that these relationships will amplify your impact and help weave a stronger collective tapestry.

  • You are eager to explore and activate your inner power, knowing that personal growth is a continual journey of becoming and unfolding.

  • You appreciate the sacredness of gathering, valuing the potency of shared experiences and the magic that arises from ceremonial convergence.

  • You understand that leadership is an art form that requires both personal clarity and the ability to inspire and empower others.

  • You are prepared to be challenged and changed, welcoming the intense transformations that come with truly revolutionary experiences.

  • You believe in the power of legacy, striving to leave a mark that is both meaningful and enduring, crafted from the threads of your unique life story.

  • You are called to claim your throne, ready to embrace your majesty as your birthright.

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B. A.

"Thank you, Jacqueline, for bringing me into this womb, to be re-born and to explore all my female powers and gifts. Wow, well done, I have learned and loved it all." 

F. G. 

“The energy was potent. I am astounded at the level of heart commitment, expertise and beauty of all. I woke up this morning feeling this gathering is simply 'la creme de la creme' of the feminine. It carries a different level of consciousness." ​

P. B. 

"My lungs feel expanded. My heart is full of electricity. The offerings I've participated in have been so deep and rich. And there's so much more to dive into - a feast."

A Masterclass for Aquarian Intelligence

In the radiant dawn of the Aquarian Age, as we honor the foremost of feminine leadership, we offer this proprietary debut. A luxurious experience, designed for visionaries ready to embody the future of Feminine Power:

AI  Salon Workshop

This exclusive virtual masterclass is crafted to weave the threads of artistry, business acumen, and personal expression into a vibrant TAPESTRY of Feminine Leadership.


With the innovative integration of AI technology, this Salon offers:

  • A robust foundation for navigating the evolving business landscape with clarity and insight.

  • Advanced tools to amplify your unique artistic voice in the digital era, ensuring it resonates across continents.

  • Dynamic strategies for expressing your gifts, expanding your reach, and maximizing your impact like never before.

This one-day session offers a first look into the Golden Gala's grand culmination, setting the stage for those ready to shape the future among the architects of a new epoch of feminine influence and innovation. To be held in September.

To claim your FREE seat in the AI Salon WorkshopRSVP to the Golden Gala by August 4th. 

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RSVP for the TAPESTRY Golden Gala Event



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